The Horizon Evolution HD offers a line-up of features that includes a complete range of card personalization elements designed & industry-proven to perform in the most demanding production environments. With the capability of throughput of up to 2500 cards per hour the Horizon Evolution can meet all your business needs. Buy the HD or upgrade your current Horizon Evolution & take advantage of enhancements that deliver increased up-time & reduced cost of ownership - it’s that simple.
When we say “flexibility,” we mean flexibility in both our hardware and software offerings. Our Horizon Evolution HD flagship hardware platform coupled with the EMV software packages when applicable support all three target markets – Financial/ EMV, transportation, membership/loyalty, and Secure ID. From start to finish, from market to market, NBS designs customizable, highly reliable, cost effective solutions to take you where you need to be.
The leading markets for the Smart Card industry include the transportation, membership/loyalty, Financial/ EMV, and Secure ID markets – each with their own highly specific technological requirements. The cuttingedge Card Personalization Elements (“CPEs”) offered in the Horizon Evolution HD system are designed to be configured to meet your market-specific needs and provide the capability to be reconfigured in the field seamlessly as needs change over time.
This fully customizable, modular system is proven to provide one of the lowest cost of ownership and of the highest level of reliability in the industry results in the one of the lowest cost per card solutions available on the market today. The Horizon Evolution HD is the ideal all-in-one solution for high-speed Smart Card issuance. NBS designed the fully expandable modular Horizon Evolution HD system to grow with you as your needs change. Our Horizon Evolution HD is the cost-effective system designed to transform into multiple revenue-generating solutions.

Output Hopper
Input Hopper
Key board & Mouse
CPE (Options Dependant On Application)
Includes two removable quick-change magazines each with a 500 card capacity meaning faster and easier card handling including preloading of blank cards. Each magazine also has a unique mechanical design that prevents any marking of cards during the picking process. The Horizon Evolution HD has the flexibility to be configured with up to three input CPE’s (6 magazines total).
Configurable to include either one, two or three removable Quick Change magazines each with a 500 card capacity means faster and easier card handling including preloading of blank cards. The Horizon Evolution has the flexibility to be configured with up to three input CPE’s (9 Magazines total).
The Magnetic Stripe Encoding CPE is a complete redesign with capability for increased speed (2500 cph) and reliability. The CPE is software selectable to support 300 and 2750 Oersted stripes. Prior to shipment, all CPE’s are verified to encode within the ISO 7811-2 and 7811-6 standards. Additionally, the read back and look up features are fully supported.
The Horizon Evolution HD supports multiple tippers for faster and easier production. The tipper reliable plate design is good for all 11 lines on a card and it has an integrated low foil sensor.
Provides the ability to print monochrome on the top side of the card at a throughput speed of up to 1,500 cards per hour with full card coverage and the highest of print quality. Mechanically designed for increased working life and reliability, the top mono printer CPE can be combined with the bottom mono printer CPE to print both sides of the card without requiring a flipper in between.
Provides the ability to print monochrome on the bottom side of the card at a throughput speed of up to 1,500 cards per hour with full card coverage and the highest of print quality. Mechanically designed for increased working life and reliability, the bottom mono printer CPE can be combined with the top mono printer CPE to print both sides of the card without requiring a flipper in between.
Prints clear, crisp (300 dpi) photo quality color images at a throughput rate of 500 cards per hour for 1”(2.54cm) x 1”(2.54cm) color photo utilizing panelized dye sublimation ribbons. Additional capabilities include: monochrome ribbon support as well as applying overlay to multiple selected areas for each run or the entire card. It also includes a redesigned card transport system that delivers increased reliability with a significant reduction in the cost of ownership.
Prints clear, crisp (300 dpi) photo quality color images at a throughput rate of 800 cards per hour for 1”(2.54cm) x 1”(2.54cm) color photo utilizing panelized dye sublimation ribbons. Additional capabilities include: monochrome ribbon support as well as applying overlay to multiple selected areas for each run or the entire card. It also includes a redesigned card transport system that delivers increased reliability with a significant reduction in the cost of ownership.
Prints clear, crisp (300 dpi) photo quality color images or 1500 cph for a 1”(2.54cm) x 1”(2.54cm) color photo. This printer utilizes mono color ribbons thus greatly increasing the yield per roll and greatly reducing the cost per card. It also includes a redesigned card transport system that delivers increased reliability with a significant reduction in the cost of ownership.
The heated roller laminate CPE enables a laminate material to be applied to the surface of a card to provide additional security and durability. A special laminate material is applied to the card surface using pressure and heat. The speed and temperature required is determined by the composition of the card being used.
Supplies durable, tamper resistant card personalization with no consumable costs. The laser engraver is fully integrated into the Horizon Evolution HD and is controlled by the Windows®-based SmartSys™ software and the plug-in Link software. The incorporation of the flipper mechanism provides the capability to do both front and rear engraving with just one CPE. If higher throughput speed is required, additional CPEs can be added.
The Horizon Evolution HD will support up to 4 separate embossers. Software automatically divides work between multiple embossers for optimal throughput. A throughput rate of up to 2000 cph (50+ characters per card) with 4 embossers. Front or rear indenter available tailor the system to the user’s requirements. This new embosser features the ability to dynamically adjust character height on a character by character basis. It also includes a redesigned card transport system that delivers increased reliability with a significant reduction in the cost of ownership.
The addition of the mailer solution gives you the complete functionality of card personalization from start to envelope! Now you can personalize your cards and have them inserted into mail ready format giving you a totally automated card personalization solution.
Applies labels to the front of a card. It will work with any activation label designed for use with plastic cards on a 3-inch core, an outside diameter no larger than 8 inches in diameter and with bottom-off-first orientation. The labeler is designed to excel in most demanding production environments. It also includes a redesigned card transport system that delivers increased reliability with a significant reduction in the cost of ownership.
Adds a greater degree of flexibility to the Horizon Evolution HD. Adding a flipper right before the stacker correctly orients the cards for placement into down stream equipment. The flipper CPE also enables the application of both front and rear laminates (Polyester Patch).
Configurable to include either one, two or three removable quickchange magazines each with a 250 embossed card capacity. The Horizon Evolution HD has the flexibility to be configured with up to three stacker CPE’s (9 Magazines total).
The NBS vision inspection CPE provides full in-line quality tool capable of OCR, Embossing, Indent and Printed Image verification against the data file. The built-in flip over CPE provides capability to inspect both sides of the card. This CPE can be placed at the beginning of the card personalization process for verification that the proper correct card stock is being utilized by the operator. Additionally, the CPE can verify read ability of 1D and 2D barcodes. The vision CPE can fully verify all personalization without impacting the overall system throughput.
Uses an elegant, elevator mechanism to simultaneously personalize up to 24 smart cards in a single CPE. The assembly can be configured with up to 24 contact stations and/or up to 12 contactless stations) The cycle time for personalizing is reduced by the number of stations. The selection of the number of stations is dependent upon the maximum anticipated programming time per card as well as the throughput rate of the particular Horizon Evolution HD configuration. As an option, the Smart Card personalization elevator can be fitted with the latest generation of Smartware couplers: Ultrasmart or PCSC couplers.
FINANCE: NBS has served the financial market for over 40 years and has been at the technological forefront for banks and credit unions. Our continual improvements have helped provide solutions for magnetic stripe cards and smart cards (both contact and contactless).
HEALTHCARE: The Healthcare / Insurance industries have transformed drastically over the last 25 years and NBS has been active in adapting our products and services to fit the requirements of this changing industry.
TELECOMMUNICATION: NBS has developed card printers to supply the telecommunication market. This can be in the form of Microprocessor cards, Subscriber ID Modules and in a growing number of handsets for other networks (TDMA, PDA and CDMA).
TRANSIT: The newest transit and parking card technologies are generating a quicker and efficient process for automated fare collection for transit. NBS offers contactless smart card solutions that speeds up all aspects the transportation system
GOVERNMENT: At NBS, we have over 40 years of experience in delivering card personalization systems to governments, meeting the needs of any specific application such as National ID cards and driver licenses.
BUREAU'S: NBS has provided a wide range of products that have been used in the Service Bureau/Third Party Administrator industry for many years. With field upgrade kits, the unit you buy today can be modified to meet new requirements tomorrow.
CENTRAL ISSUANCE: We understand that in a central card issuance environment, time is money – and you just can’t afford poor hardware performance or difficult to navigate software – this is where NBS can help. NBS has been developing its state-of-art central issuance hardware & software for over 40 years to limit these inefficiencies. NBS Central Issuance software provides a full spectrum of card issuance capabilities with advanced production performance and management information controls.